Bozcaada Stories
Selected by Kadir Aydemir
YİTİK ÜLKE PUBLICATIONS, September 2009, 205 pages
“Heading for Bozcaada…” Three magical words. The island awaits us, there, always. The only thing we need to do is to pack our backpack perhaps, or reserve a space on the first bus. “Bozcaada Stories” is a book for those who have been there, who couldn’t have been there, and the ones who always would have liked to go. You won’t be able to put down this book which is a work of a long period. Just like the island itself, it will be waiting for you in your bag, in your library or at the boring desk of yours at work. You will take a deeper breath with every story you read. Bozcaada is calling you with its narrow streets, vineyards and famous wines, Polente Lighthouse, colossal windmills and its castle as well love stories it hides. Turn the pages and get away from this giant city…
34 writers invite to a journey in “Bozcaada Stories” with their stories: Gülsel Ceren Güneş, Çiğdem Aldatmaz, Çiler İlhan, Deniz Günal, Duygu Günkut, Ebru Durupınar, Esra E. Kutengin, Figen Alkaç, Gürgen Öz, Hasan Topçu, İdil Giray, Jak Alguadiş, Kadir Aydemir, Lâle Dilligil, Mehmet Ünver, Nefin Huvaj, Neval Sultan, Nihat Ziyalan, Nurcan Göksel, Özlem Özyurt, Reyhan Yıldırım, Sabri Kuşkonmaz, Saliha Yadigâr, Seran Demiral, Serdar Çekinmez, Serkan Türk, Sine Ergün, Sinem Karhan, Solmaz Aksoy, Turgay Yılmaz, Türkan Çim Işık, Yeşim Ağaoğlu, Zerrin Yılmaz Çelebioğlu and Zeynep Zişan… Last call for Bozcaada passengers!